Audio Glossary: H

'Traditions'. An account of a saying, or an incident in the life, of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The pilgrimage to Makkah Muslims who can afford it are required to make once in a lifetime.

Means 'the way to go' and represents the concesus on correct Jewish practice based on Bible and Talmud as interpreted by recognised Rabbinic authorities.

Within Islam that which is permitted, most often used of food permitted to be eaten, particularly meat of animals slaughtered by a prescribed method.
A minor Jewish festival celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem after it was won back from the Syrian Greeks by the Maccabees in 164 BCE.
A nine-branched candlestick used during the festival of Hanukah. One candle is at a different level to the other eight, which represent the eight days of the festival; the ninth is used to light the others.
In Hinduism the chief of a tribe of beings of monkey-like appearance. Hanuman was instrumental in helping Lord Rama rescue his wife Sita after Ravana had kidnapped her. Hanuman is revered for his devotion to Rama and Sita.
Within Islam something forbidden or sacred.
Harmmandir Sahib
The most famous of Sikh shrines, situated in Amritsar in the Punjab. It is also known as the Darbar Sahib and as the Golden Temple.
In Hinduism, 'prayer around the fire'; also used in the wedding ceremony of Namdhari Sikhs.
hazan / cantor
A skilled leader of synagogue services (also known as cantor).
The major religious tradition of India; Hinduism is basically monotheistic but recognises God in a multitude of forms: fundamental beliefs include karma and dharma.
A popular Hindu spring festival, during which a bonfire is lit and passers-by are sprinkled with coloured powder and coloured water. Holi is a relic of ancient fertility rites; the bonfire is an act performed in the past at the commencement of the agricultural year.
Holy Comunion
(See Eucharist).
Holy Spirit
In Christianity, God as the Third Person of the Trinity.
A minor Biblical prophet; also the book of the Bible named after him.
House Church
An independent Christian group, usually one which originally met (and perhaps still meets) in the homes of members.
In Sikhism, God's will.
Hukam Nama
Originally a letter containing a royal command the expression is used by Sikhs to mean instructions issued by the Guru ‚ these days they are written by one of the jathedars of the five takhts after a conference of members of the panth.
huppa (Chuppah)
A canopy under which a Jewish wedding takes place.
Although this word can be used of some religious thinking characterised by a concern for human development and welfare (as in 'Christian Humanism'), the term is mainly used to describe a non-religious system of beliefs and values. In the 19th century, humanism took various church-like forms, which gave it the character of a secular religion. Liberal or ethical humanism emphasises the freedom and dignity of individuals and strives for political reform.
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